Crocheting an Afghan

LeisureArts at

Today I started to crochet an afghan following a pattern in a Leisure Arts little book (#75104) titled Luxurious Afghans.  Of the 4 patterns in the book I chose the first, Simple Times, which is pictured on the front cover.  It’s a design by Barbara Shaffer.  It’s evaluated as easy so I’ll be able to listen to music while I’m making it.

I like this pattern for a several reasons:

  • Each row is worked across the length of the Afghan Body so you get the appearance of strips without having to sew them together (a big plus in my opinion).
  • The pattern repeats six different rows that use a variety of stitches including a pretty picot making it very interesting and visually pleasing but not too difficult.

After chaining 222 on a size J crochet hook I started Row 1:  half double crochet in the 3rd chain from the hook and in each chain across for a total of 221 half double crochets (hdc).  Since it’s been quite a while since I’ve crocheted I wanted to double check on how to make the stitches so for reference I went to:

I’m using inexpensive Red Heart worsted weight 4 ply yarn, Linen color, machine washable and dryable, mothproof, colorfast, and shrink-proof.

My Aunt Barbara taught me how to crochet when I was a kid.  Barbara was my father’s youngest sister.  She had an easy laugh and was fun. She was left-handed and I’m right-handed so we had a slight disconnect but we didn’t let that deter us. She taught me how to Cha-Cha too. Good memories!



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